
Delivery Solutions Account Authentication

  1. Contact Delivery Solutions for Account Setup and Access.
  2. Receive API Keys via email.
  3. Maintain API Keys securely and do not embed API Key in client-side code.
  4. You must pass the x-api-key in the request header with the provided API key as shown below
  5. tenantId is the unique identifier for the business

Example Request

curl -X GET https://<base_url>/api/v2/store \
    --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
    --header "x-api-key:YOUR_API_KEY"
    --header "tenantid:YOUR_TENANT_ID"

Error Response

  "type": "UNAUTHORIZED",
  "message": "Invalid Api Key!",
  "errors": [
      "type": "UNAUTHORIZED",
      "message": "Invalid Api Key!"
  "type": "FORBIDDEN",
  "message": "Invalid Api Key!",
  "errors": [
      "type": "FORBIDDEN",
      "message": "Invalid Api Key!"


  1. Requests made with a valid API key will return 2XX Success response.
  2. Requests made with an invalid API key will return 401 Unauthorized response.
  3. Requests made without an API key will return 403 Forbidden.


  1. Please replace YOUR_API_KEY with the actual business API key.
  2. Please replace YOUR_ACCOUNT_API_KEY with the actual account API key.
  3. Please replace YOUR_TENANT_ID with the actual tenant Id of your business