List Orders

Use this API to retrieve the list of orders. By default, the orders placed within the last 24 hours will be retrieved.


  • Both the pickupTime and dropoffTime are required when orders need to be retrieved based on either one of the parameter.
  • All dates/Unix timestamps must be within last 1 year.
  • If none of the input parameters are present, the system retrieves orders created in last 24 hours.
  • If none of the date range fields are present (such as lastUpdatedAt, createdAt, pickupTime, dropoffTime), the system automatically includes createdAt time range for the last 24 hours in addition to the requested filters.


paginationTokenPagination TokenDetermines if there are more results than the limit passed, refer to Pagination Token.
dataArray of OrderArray of Orders matching the search criteria


Pagination Token

The API has a limit of retrieving 1000 orders per call. If limit value is specified in the request, the number of orders are retrieved as per the value indicated in the limit (limit cannot be more than 1000). Use the paginationToken to navigate to the next or previous set of orders.

  • paginationToken returns an object of next and previous tokens:
    • If there are no results for the next page, the next value would be null.
    • If there are no results for the previous page, the previous value would be null.
  • To navigate to the next set of page results, use the next value from the paginationToken response and set it as the paginationToken value.
  • To navigate to the previous set of page results, use the previous value from the paginationToken response and set it as the paginationToken value.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!