Pickup Location

Model for Pickup Location

_idstringDelivery Solutions' internal unique ID for the location.
activebooleanThe pick up location can be marked as active or inactive using the true/false flag. Default is true (pickup location is enabled).
namestringName of the pickup location.
storeExternalIdstringUnique ID of the pickup location generated in your system and configured in our system.
contactContact (Location)The contact details for the location. Only the name and phone number fields are stored for a location.
addressAddressAddress of the pickup location.
timeZonestringTimezone in which the pickup location is present.
currencyCodestringISO 4127 alphabetical code, e.g. USD.
descriptionstringA short description of the pickup location.
pickupInstructionsstringPickup instructions for the pickup location.
returnStoreIdstringThe configured return ID for the pickup location, for when an order needs to be returned to a different location.
DSPsArray of ProvidersList of providers configured for the pickup location.
dspAttributesObject containing Provider Config AttributesProvider attributes configured for the pickup location, when necessary for certain providers.
createdAtstringThe time when the pickup location was created in Delivery Solutions, in ISO 8601 format
lastUpdatedAtstringThe time when the pickup location was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.