
providerDelivery Service Provider.stringtrue
noEstimateflag that specifies whether provider gives estimatesbooleantrue
ruleAppliedIs winning estimate or not.booleanfalse. It comes only if allowOrchestration is true in API request or in the Rates configuration
currencyCodeISO 4217 alphabetical code, e.g. USD.stringtrue
amountEstimated amount that the provider will charge. Amount as integer minor unit. Eg. 1295 indicates 12.95.integertrue
feeFee to be charged from customer for the delivery.
Fee as integer minor unit. Eg. 1295 indicates 12.95.
currencyThe minor unit of the currency in use. E.g. cents.stringtrue
expiresTime when this estimate will get expire.stringconditional. Only if provider gives this value in the API response.
requestedPickupTimeRequested Order Pickup Start Time. Unix time in milliseconds e.g., 1500616800000.integerconditional
requestedPickupTimeEndsRequested Order Pickup End Time. Unix time in milliseconds e.g., 1500616800000.integerconditional
requestedDropOffTimeRequested Order Dropoff Start Time. Unix time in milliseconds e.g., 1500616800000.integerconditional
requestedDropoffTimeEndsRequested Order Dropoff End Time. Unix time in milliseconds e.g., 1500616800000.integerconditional
estimatedPickupTimeProvider Estimated Pickup Time. Unix time in milliseconds e.g., 1500616800000.integerconditional. Only if provider gives this value in the API response.
estimatedPickupTimeStartsProvider Estimated Pickup Start Time. Unix time in milliseconds e.g., 1500616800000.integerconditional. Only if provider gives this value in the API response.
estimatedPickupTimeEndsProvider Estimated Pickup End Time. Unix time in milliseconds e.g., 1500616800000.integerconditional. Only if provider gives this value in the API response.
estimatedDeliveryTimeProvider Estimated Dropoff Time. Unix time in milliseconds e.g., 1500616800000.integerconditional. Only if provider gives this value in the API response.
estimatedDeliveryTimeStartsProvider Estimated Dropoff Start Time. Unix time in milliseconds e.g., 1500616800000.integerconditional. Only if provider gives this value in the API response.
estimatedDeliveryTimeEndsProvider Estimated Dropoff End Time. Unix time in milliseconds e.g., 1500616800000.integerconditional. Only if provider gives this value in the API response.
typeOrder type selected/given for the order (delivery/in-store-pickup/curbside/shipping)stringtrue
serviceTypeProvider Service type chosen for the order.stringtrue
serviceIdProvider Servicestringtrue
storeExternalIdUnique Id of the pickup location generated in your system and configured in our system.stringtrue
supportsAlternateLocationFlag indicating whether given provider supports alternate location or not.booleantrue
tagsCorresponding matched tags for the DSP from the given tags in request.arraytrue