From the perspective of the integration, external systems should only be considering Delivery Solutions' Errors.
Those are common across our APIs in different contexts.
Error Code | Description |
CANCELLATION_NOT_ALLOWED | Provider does not allow cancellation of orders. |
DUPLICATE_ID | Resource with provided id already exists. |
DUPLICATE_NAME | Resource with provided name already exists. |
DUPLICATE_RESOURCE | Resource already exists. |
ENTITY_IS_NOT_ACTIVE | Resource is in Inactive status. hence, the request cannot be completed. |
FORBIDDEN | Access to the requested resource is forbidden. |
GEOCODING_FAILED | Geocoding Service for the given address failed |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Request encourtered an internal server erro |
INVALID_DATA | Required data is invalid or missing |
INVALID_OPERATION | Requested operation cannot be performed on the resource |
NO_DSP_ASSIGNED | No Provider has been assigned to the mentioned location |
NO_DSP_MATCHED | No Provider matched the criteria for the requested delivery. |
NOT_FOUND | Resource not found in DS. |
ORDER_ALREADY_CANCELLED | Requested order is already in Cancelled state. |
ORDER_CANCELLATION_FAILED | Provider failed to cancel the order. |
PLACE_ORDER_FAILED | Failed to place the requested order with the configured providers |
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | Too many requests received per second. |
UNAUTHORIZED | Request failed with unauthorized access error. |
UNMAPPED_ERROR | Request received unidentifiable error response. |
VALIDATION_ERROR | Field validation failed as per the expected input. |
SCORING_FAILED | Scoring Service for the given address failed. |